
Since 1995, I have been designing and producing books, leaflets, posters and other printed material. I usually execute and oversee all the stages of a publication production from the concept design to the finished product. I can design your logo and help you build your corporate identity and also assist you in efficiently implementing your marketing goals regarding design and printed material.
My love for books dates well before my professional practice. I've had the chance to design and produce some wonderful books for which I am proud and thankful to all those people that always need to contribute for a book "to be born". My involvement with environmental issues and nature conservation since the 80s has led me to "specialize" in environmental projects.
For more than fifteen years now I have been working in many projects with the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature for which I have been designing and producing not only it's quarterly publication "η φύση" ("i fisi" = nature), but also the material for The Blue Flag program and numerous books, leaflets etc.
I have also had the chance to work with companies OIKOS and OMEPE in a series of environmental centers across Greece, with the National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, the University of of Ioannina, with the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, the 23rd Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities and with companies like Grecotel, Pechiney Hellas, AirLiquide Hellas, Radio Korasidis, Brainstorm Software, Biometrix, Kyklos medical, Harta, Ilivaton e.a.
Selected Projects Gallery
I was responsible for the construction of those two Environmental Information Centres as a subcontractor to the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature. Besides the management, for this project I worked on the concept, design and layout of the panels, 3D files for the 3D printed models of the areas, interactive quizzes.
More photos and videos here:
This is a 128 pages, 24x28.5cm, hardcover book, produced in 2016 for the Municipality of Filothei-Psychiko. For this project I did the design and layout, photography, colour correction and overview of the production (printing and binding).
In this 270 pages, 24,5x31cm, hardcover, luxuriously illustrated book we showcase Kuwait’s major coral reefs and their wildlife, primarily through photos we have taken ourselves and with the help of volunteer efforts of friends and visiting acquaintances. This book is an interpretative guide, it uses photography to showcase what scientists know about coral reefs; what we have seen and where, and how these unique ecosystems are truly worth preserving.
I am especially proud of this book as I was involved in every stage of the project, from the concept and initial project design to expedition arrangement, underwater photography and then layout, color correction and supervising the production in the printing and binding stages.
Download link: Coral Reefs of Kuwait book (pdf ebook)
This is a 104 pages, 26,5x24cm, hardcover book, produced in 2014 for the Municipality of Filothei-Psychiko, that guides the reader through the rich natural environment of this area. Written by my old friend Martin Gaethlich who had the original idea, together with whom we designed this publication. For this project I also contributed original photography, capturing nature of the municipality in different seasons. I also did the design, layout, colour correction and supervision of the production.
“Birds of Kuwait: A Comprehensive Visual Guide” (420 pages, 24.5x31cm, hardcover). Conceived, approved and published within 9 months, this book aspires to educate both residents of and visitors to Kuwait on the abundant wealth of bird species living in or passing through its territory. 391 species are featured in the book, with 95% of the photographs taken within the country limits, by 18 very talented and dedicated Kuwaiti or Kuwait-based amateur birdwatchers and photographers. A monument of world class bird photography that combines scientific accuracy in a large-format, luxurious presentation, created in a project funded by Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC).
Download link: the Birds of Kuwait book (pdf ebook)
Book titled "Our Natural Heritage", containing conference proceedings and photo album (160 pages - 21x26cm)
Titled "Tilos - See, discover, share" this 64 pages book was published in 2007 as a part of a European Commission Life-Nature project carried out by the Municipality of Tilos and the company Oikos Nature Management Ltd. and is a presentation of the natural environment and of the beauties of the island.
Apart from the design and layout, I have also contributed photos of the island.
The book was written by Yannis rigas and Fotini Xenogianni and produced by OIKOS Natural Management Ltd. The photographs are by Konstantinos Mentzelopoulos, Evangelos Pappas, Filippos Katsigiannis, Nikos Petrou, Aris Vidalis, Telis Xatzifoudas, Yannis Rigas, Hellenic Ornithological Society G. Karris, L. Logothetis, J. Fric and Stamatis Zogaris.
The 2007 edition has texts in greek and in english. A second edition was produced in 2011 with greek and russian texts.
This is a publication by the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature published quarterly. You can find more information in the HSPN site (in greek).
Working with the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature I have designed posters and leaflets for the Blue Flag programme in Greece.